About Me

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Kent, United Kingdom
Born in Greece, raised in Luxembourg and now a journalism student at the University of Kent so you could say I am a bit of a euro-kid. Dance enthusiast, a bit of a fashion geek and food lover, although slightly biased towards all things Mediterranean.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

...to new beginnings

I honestly never imagined how much courage it takes for someone to blog. Putting your thoughts and views in writing for the world to see isn't exactly an easy task. Blogging has always been something I've wanted to try out, something that has been in the making for quite a while. It seems that all I needed was a few encouraging words from a few important people in my life and here it is! I think this is going to be a slow and, I hope, interesting process. The content of the blog will be dictated by whatever floats my boat, really and if I manage to even have one reader I will consider it a personal mini-victory (and I might do a little dance too). So, after having taken the first but essential baby step, I present to you my first ever blog.


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